Nikon Z7ii - My First 3000 Shots

It has taken me a lot longer than anticipated but I've finally found the time to put together the 3000 shots with the Z7ii video. Thanks once again for the comments people left last time, it has been great to hear from you 🙂

So as the title says, I've now been through about 3000 shots with this new camera.

This video isn't a review of the camera (there are plenty about) but I've been through some quick points at the start before I get into what I've been up to recently. I'm not really a fan of all the gear videos on YouTube and that's not what I want to produce, so you can skip over all that **if you're not bothered about the camera stuff.

Usually I'd like to plan a trip or two away with a new camera body, but for the last 3-4 months I've not been able to go anywhere so you'll just have to deal. I'm not going to go over photos I've shown before, but if you're interested there's a couple of other videos available to watch and a larger selection of photos on my portfolio site.

Please leave a comment on the video on YouTube if you have suggestions for future projects and if you like what's there already.

Jon Probert

Photographer. Engineer. Trumpet Owner.

Middle Aged Gardening


Three Shires Head